Motivational Speech Its Time to change
There are moments in life when you just want to know. Who you are it's not like you're lost it's that this feeling you have that something is changing you don't know what but something is about to change. Who you are doesn't feel, so any more that used to do. It for you last year isn't getting it anymore. When you still satisfy your last year of touch unit. what used to be comfortable really doesn't feel easy. anymore it's starting to get heavy. It's starting to look like a distraction you're not sure. But the feeling you have that some old habits might have to change. They're not sure but you're starting to realize that. How you spend your time and have to change you're not really sure. But you're almost convinced that some friends might have to go bad feelings. That's the beginning of one of the most real things there is in life that's the beginning of a trip.

Importance Of Time Quotes
The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources.
That will test you and pull you into parts of yourself you didn't even know existed it's the beginning of fame called growth. It's something we all need it's is a requirement for life and all of us get at it in different ways growth is what keeps life going. It's the reason we arrive at a new year and everybody has a new resolution. Something they want to add to get better at something they want to grow. I'm gonna get in shape how many times sare you going. Before I'm going to is cover my Worth and treat my self better. How many times have you thought? That before but do you realize that within the first two weeks of making a new year's resolution 95 percent of the people. Who said they were who committed to it. They break that message 95 percent that's high growth. Isn't its growth is not a walking part both is hard.

Best Importance Of Time Quotes
Wealth is as a result of the value of time
it's not easy waking about 5 o'clock in the morning to work out. It's difficult going back to school trying to earn a degree. You should have earned 11 years ago holding down three kids' jobs. You can't afford to lose it's difficult trying to confront all the issues of your past. Because you want something more for your future growth is change and change the one thing that terrifies. As much as it excites it's the one thing that is hoped for as much as its despised it's. The one thing that people ask for in the same breath rejects change is inevitable change is terrifying. But change is all there is nobody gets to be three years old forever. People come people go you have today lost tomorrow try all. You want but you can't stop. it happens regardless and that's the real problem. You have no control over that and it's scary to see the growth that is authenticity. That's the spontaneous nature of growth. It just happens and sometimes you don't feel prepared for it you can feel something about to change. But you don't feel prepared we don't feel prepared. Let me ask you this what did you whisper to yourself and I really do this kind of real divorce. This person can live without them. What have you told yourself because you didn't feel ready? I'm too old to go back to school.

Motivation Quotes Importance Of Time
Time well spent adds to life well lived.
I've been doing this for 30 years. I can't change now what do you believe because you don't feel you're ready you don't feel you have what it takes you may not know this. But grow this automatic it's built into nature. I believe it or not it actually has a formula that describes the tango us efficient growth nature's cold. The golden section of the Bonacci sequence is a growth area that you see everywhere in nature. Its implants have a banana and a half and there you see the snail shells. It even describes the way your hair grows kind of all your hair and what you grow back. There's a spiral that forms the crown of your head that describes that growth. Growth is spontaneous it happens by itself. It happens because it has to it happens because it must your problem. It is that you think you have to design it. You believe you have to prepare it but the truth is all you have to do is move. All you have to do is act on that feeling. that you can't describe act on that sense that there's something more in you action is all it takes to grow to look at it.

Great Quotes Importance Of Time
Investors place bets in a portfolio of companies, but I only have one life
The Fibonacci sequence begins0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 and on and on you see what's happening is that. Every step up every change every level switch every growth move this is a result of what came before nothing. New nothing added only what came before what I'm saying to you is that everything you need to grow everything. You need to get to the next level. You already have you've already been through it. That's how you get 3 1 &2 that's how you get 5 right3 & 2 8 5 & 3 and so on. But sequence started with zero it all starts at zero this potential zero. Is the engine zero was the driver and that's you the thing that comes next is. One that's an action that's a movement that's doings of the Mads making a decision that's all there is there's you and there's. What we decide and at the end of that either grows on anything you'd imagine or nothing at all. It's painful to have to end the relationship after seven years. Just hang on it's not easy for the bone of the ten years of silence.

Beautiful Quotes Importance Of Time
If we realize our responsibility before God for our life, we will understand how valuable time is for us.
Say I'm sorry it takes everything you have to get back up stitch up the wounds. Start again it's hard to trust that feeling that it's time to change its time. To let go it's time to become something else there's always that question mark. How am I gonna do this but the beauty of this whole thing is that. You don't need to know how you're gonna do it all you have to do is decide to see. I believe that the comes a time in life. When all you have is what you feel you don't have any answers you don't know. Why you don't know how you're gonna do it. You don't know what you're gonna break you don't know who's gonna leave or you know that time has run out. If something is gonna happen it's gonna happen now there comes a time in life when you say enough. I'm getting out of here I'm gonna change some.
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Source: Stopwatch Timer