Motivational Speech Don't Waste My Time In 2020
Today at this moment you are going to war. You go to war against your enemy. You go to war with yourself. You are not afraid. You are prepared. You are not weak. You are a machine, a freak. are you focused, I am focused, I am focused, I am focused, yes you are. you are focused and you will not lose sight of this neither today nor tomorrow, next week or next year, repeat after me: Today is my day nobody will stand in the way of my dreams. My development or my request to be the best in the subject area.

Nice Quotes Don,t waste my time
Don't waste my time- I'm not stupid, and I'm not gullible.
I chose yes said the best no one has the right to take this gift. I will bring victims until I am up to no matter. How difficult it gets no matter how life will depend on me. I will get up again and again. I will fight all means to request independence of resolution and fire. They are burning in mei will not do a withdrawal. I will not give in if my body screams "no". I will scream loud yes give me more push me on. Because I know that the origin of my courage is my heart is stronger than my body.

Best motivation quotes Don,t waste my time
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.

Motivation Quotes Don,t waste my time
If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
My fire my determination is my fire my family is my fire my size is my fire. I don't need the opinion of others. I have my own opinions I have my own heart. I have my own dreams there is nothing that I cannot be, do, or have nobody can tell me. what I'm doing or can't do I decide what is possible for me I decide on the path.

don't waste my time quotes
Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is to say 'I don't want to.'

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Source: Stopwatch timer