Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time in 2020

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time  

My experience is with people who are probably running at approximately 51% of our capacity. Something, I mean, you can think of this yourselves. I often ask college students: How many hours a day do you waste or how many hours a week do you waste? And the classic answer is something like 4 to 6 hours a day. You know it is inefficient to study, watch things on YouTube that you not only don't want to see, that you don't even care about, that makes you feel horrible to watch after you're done. That's probably four hours right there. Now, and you think: it's 20-25 hours a week. It's a hundred hours a month. That's two and a half weeks of full work. Top Best Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time  

Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.
Harvey Mackay

It's half a year of work, weeks per year and, if your time is worth, $ 20 an hour, which is a radical understatement. It's probably more like $ 50 if you think about it in terms of deferred wages. If you're wasting 20 hours a week ... you're wasting $ 50,000 a year, and you're doing it right now. And because you're young wasting $ 50,000 it's a much bigger catastrophe. Then it would be for me to waste. It's because I won't last that long, and if your life isn't everything, it could be. You could ask yourself. Well, what if you stop wasting the opportunities that come your way? Would you be who knows how much more efficient? Ten times more efficient? 20 times more efficient? That is the Pareto distribution.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Best Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time.

Don't waste your time with people who will ultimately destroy you, but concentrate instead on those who will appreciate your responsibility to them, and, likewise, feel responsible to you.
Anton Szandor LaVey

You have no idea how efficient efficient people become. It's off the charts! The best thing you can do is teach people to write. Because there is no difference between that and thinking and one of the things that just explodes. They distance me from universities is that nobody tells the students. Why should they write something? It is like. Well, you have to do this task well. Why are you writing? Well, you need the qualification, it's like no. You need to learn to think. Because Thinking has you acting effectively in the world, thinking makes you win the battles you wage and those difficulties are battles for good things. they can be battles for good things. If you can think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

New Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time  

When you kill time, you kill your opportunities for success.
Denis Waitley
It is the most powerful weapon you can possibly provide someone and I want to say that I know many people who have been amazingly successful and have seen them all my life. I mean those people with whom you don't want to have an argument. They will just cut you to pieces and then not in a malicious way. It is as if you are going to express your point and they will, it is better that you have your points organized. Because otherwise you will look and be a complete idiot. You are not going to get anywhere and you can consistently formulate your arguments and make a presentation. If you can talk to people, if you can design a proposal, God, people give you money. They give you opportunities, you have influence. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Top Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time

Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.
Paulo Coelho

Good. So what is the rule with the schedule? It is not a bloody prison. That's the first thing people do wrong, they say right. I don't like having to follow a schedule. It's like well, what kind of schedule are you setting up? Well, I should ... I have to do this, then I have to do this, then I have to do this, you know, and then I'm just going to play video games. Because who wants to do all these things that I have to do. It's like wrong Set the schedule so you have the day you want. That is the trick. Okay, I have tomorrow. If I was going to set it up to be the best day possible. I could have practically spoken. How would it look? Well, then you program that and obviously. There is a little responsibility that is good to go along with because if you have any sense. One of the things you are going to insist on is that at the end of the day.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Beautiful Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
Jim Rohn

You're not in worse shape than then, earlier in the day, are you? Because that's a stupid day if you have a lot of those in a row. You just dig, you know you dig a hole and then you bury yourself and I'm sorry. That is not a good strategy. It is a bad strategy, so perhaps 20% of your day should be responsibility and obligation. Or maybe it's more than that depending on how far behind you are. But even if you can, you can ask yourself, okay? Well, I have these responsibilities. I have to schedule these things. What is the correct ratio of responsibility to reward? And you may wonder that, just like negotiating with someone who works for you, it's okay. You have to work tomorrow. Okay, I want you to work tomorrow and you could say it's okay. Well, what are you going to do for me? Does that make it likely to work for you? Well, maybe you wonder what you know, maybe you do an hour of responsibility and then play a video game for 15 minutes.
Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Goodness Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time

Lost time is never found again.
Benjamin Franklin

I don't know, whatever drives you crazy. But you know that you have to negotiate with yourself and not bully yourself as if you were negotiating with someone. That interests you, that you would like to be productive and have a good life. And that's how you do the schedule. It's like and then you look at the day and think well. If I had that day, that would be good. Great. You know it and you are useless and horrible. So you're probably only hitting it with about seventy percent accuracy. But that exceeds zero. Correct and If You Do It Even with fifty percent accuracy, another rule is to target fifty-one percent next week. Or 50 and a half percent for the love of God or because you are going to reach that position. Where things start to back off positively and spiral upwards.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Greatest Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time

Anyone who loves in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time.
Paulo Coelho

Well, what if we all act together and stop making things worse because that's something else people don't do all the time. They just don't do what they should to make things better. They actively try to make things worse because they are spiteful or resentful or arrogant or deceitful or homicidal or genocidal. Or all those things, all grouped together in an absolutely pathological package. If people stopped trying to really make things worse, we have no idea how much they would improve just because of it.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

First Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
Time is a precious thing. Never waste it.
Gene Wilder
So there is this strange dynamic that is part of the existential system of ideas between the social judgment of human vulnerability. Both are major causes of suffering and the failure of people to take responsibility. Let them know that they should adopt. It is not simply that your destiny depends on whether you act or not and to what extent you decide. You are going to live your own genuine being. It is not just your destiny. It is the fate of everyone you have connected with. So, you know you think well. There are nine billion, seven billion people in the world. We are going to reach a peak of around nine billion. By the way, and then it will decline rapidly, but seven billion people in the world. And who are you, are you just a little dust mite? Among those seven billion, so it really doesn't matter what you do or don't do. But that is simply not the case. It is the wrong model because you are at the center of a network. You are a node in a network, of course, that is even truer now that we have social media that you will know. A thousand people, at least, in the course of your life and they will meet a thousand people each and that takes you away, one person, from a million and two people from a billion.
Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
Most Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
Sometimes you need to stay in touch but be out of reach.
Jim Rohn

This is how you have connected and the things you do are like throwing a stone in a pond. The waves move outward and affect things in some way. That you cannot fully understand and it means that the things you do and don't do are much more. Important of what you think and if you act in that way, of course, the terror of realizing it. I mean, it actually starts to matter what you do and you could say that that's better than living a meaningless existence. It better matter but I mean if you really asked yourself would you be so sure? If I had the option to live without any responsibility, the price I pay is that nothing matters. Or I can reverse it and it all matters. But I have to take the responsibility associated with that. It is not so obvious to me that people take a meaningful path.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
This is your time 
This is your life

Now, when you say it right, nihilists suffer terribly because they have no meaning in their life and still suffer. Yes, but the advantage is that they have no responsibility. That is the reward and I really think that is the motivation. To put it nicely, I can't help being a nihilist, all my belief systems have collapsed. It is as if. Maybe you just allowed them to collapse because it's so much easier than representing them and the price you pay is senseless suffering. But you can always complain about it and people will feel sorry for you and you have the option to take the martyr's path. So that's good business considering all things, especially when they are. When the alternative is to bear his load properly and live freely in the world. Well, what Solzhenitsyn and so many people in the 20th century discovered is not just him. Although it is the best example, it is that if you live a pathological life, you pathologize your society and if enough people do. So it's really hell and you can read the Gulag Archipelago if you have the strength to do it.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
 Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time 
If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
Bruce Lee
That and you will see exactly. What is hell like and then you can decide. If that is a place you would like to visit or, more importantly, if it is a life. If it is a place that you would like to visit and take all your family and friends. Because that is what happened in the 20th century. No one can live without a routine. Just forget it if you don't have a routine. I recommend starting one because you cannot be mentally healthy without a routine. You need to choose a time to get up. At the time you want. But pick one and stick to it because otherwise it will deregulate your circadian rhythms and regulate your mood. Plan a life you would like to have and do it in part with reference to social norms. That's more or less. Rescue your father from the belly of the whale, but the way. Another way to do it is to have a little conversation with yourself. About, like you really don't know who you are.
Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

 Top Best Motivation Quotes  Don,t Wasting My Time
Don't waste your time on jealousy.
Mary Schmich

Because you know how you are, you will not do what they tell you. They will not do what you tell yourself, you must have noticed that it is as if you were a bad employee and a worse boss and both work. You know, for you You don't know what you want to do And then when you tell yourself what to do. You don't do it anyway, so you should shoot yourself and find someone else to beat, but you know what my point is. I have to understand that you are not your own server, so to speak. There are someone you have to deal with and that is, and you are someone you want to present the opportunity to have a good life and that is difficult for people. Because they don't love each other very much. So, you know, they're always like breaking the whip and then procrastinating and breaking the whip and then postponing.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
 Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
Don't waste your time with fear. Fear won't keep you safe from being hurt.
Tiffanie DeBartolo
It is like God, it is such a boring and pathetic way of spending time. I think what you have to do and this is part of humility is that you have to look around you. Within your sphere of influence, like the direct sphere of influence and set things right. They are advertised as in need of repair. But one of the main reasons people don't get what they want is because they don't really realize what it is about. The probability that you will get what would be good for you. Let's say, it would even be better than you want, right? Because you know, you could be wrong about what you want, easily. But maybe you can get what would really be good for you. Well, why not? Well, why don't you try?
Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
Great Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
Don't use time and words carelessly - neither can be retrieved.

It doesn't mean that you manipulate the world to force it, to give yourself status goods or something. That's not what I mean. I mean something like Imagine you were taking care of yourself as if you were someone. In fact, you worried and then thought well, I'm taking care of this person. I wish things were the best possible for them. What would their life be like for it to be so? Well, people don't do that. They don't sit and think well. You know, let's solve it. You have a life, it's difficult obviously, it's like. In three years you can have what you need. You have to be careful about it. You can't have everything, you can have what would be good for you. But you have to find out what it is and then you have to target it. Well, my experience with people has been if they realize it.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
More Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
You may delay, but time will not.
Benjamin Franklin
What would be good for them. And then they write it down, they get it and it's strange because they don't need it. It's kind of weird, it's not that simple because, you know. You can formulate an idea of ​​what would be good for you. And then you take ten steps towards that and you find out that your formulation was a little out of place and therefore you have to reformulate it. Your goal, you know, so you're going to go like this. You move toward the goal. But a big part of the reason why people fail is because they never set the criteria for success, so success is a very narrow line and highly unlikely. The probability that you will 
run into it randomly is zero, and therefore there is a proposition here and the proposition is.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time
 The Motivation Quotes Don,t Wasting My Time
One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you really want something, you can have it. Now the question would be: what do you mean by really wanting? The answer is that you reorient your life in every possible way to make the probability of that happening as safe as possible and that's an idea of ​​sacrifice, right? It's like you don't have everything, obviously Obviously, but maybe you can have what you need and maybe all you have to do to get it is ask, but asking is not a whim or today's wish is like. you have to be very serious about it. You have to think Ok, like I'm taking stock of myself and if I'm going to live properly in the world. And I was going to establish myself in such a way that being would be justified in my estimation and I don't mean a harsh judge.

Motivation Speech Don,t Wasting My Time

What exactly would you be aiming for? Sit in your bed one day and ask yourself what, what remarkably stupid things I'm doing regularly to ruin my life and if you really ask that question, but you should know the correct answer because that's really what I'm asking. the question means It does not mean simply saying the words. It means you must decide what you want to know. You will discover it so quickly that it will make your hair curl.

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Source: Stopwatch Timer

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